I like fit butts and I cannot lie


As many of you no doubt have, my main resolution for the new year 2015 is to become more healthy (ie, sleep more.) Ironically, I realized at the midnight of the new year how I would probably never keep this up, even for a week, unless you count all the time in class I slept. It was at that point I decided, “Hey, I’m probably not the only nerd who ever had this problem” and turned to the infinite wisdom of Google for a solution. After getting assaulted by sights of men with huge ripping muscles with veins threatening to pop out on one side and stick thin women with strategically placed clothes on the other (whose ‘before’ photos look suspiciously photoshopped to make them look fatter), I was about to give up. And that’s when I saw it. A suspicious looking website which said “Nerd Fitness”. Curious, I clicked on the link, not knowing what to expect. The first page I entered into seemed interesting and I liked how the author talked about “fitness”

The logo for Nerd Fitness which I found on the internet

The logo for Nerd Fitness which I found on the internet

Of course, like any website which sells something, it was littered around with everything from their fitness mantra to their countless success stories and everything else you would need to “turn your life around and become the ideal you.” I scrolled down to the end to see the catch. This ultimate guide to fitness system with guidance 24×7 and free flying ponies was to be mine, if I paid $100 for it. *Cue short laugh where I imagine myself being stupid enough to spend money online for the complete solution to all my fitness problems*

But down in the side there was also a part where I could enter my email ID to get free updates. I gave in when I saw the word free. I’m Indian, I can’t help it. The beginner’s guide they had was nicely written and I cruised through their blog. Finally at 3 am, I was about to shut down my laptop when I did a quick check to make sure I didn’t get any new mail. I had one, so nearing exhaustion and resisting the temptation of my warm bed for my bed for five more minutes, I opened it to see what it was. It was from Steve in Nerd Fitness, congratulating my healthy choices. It further gave me my first “quest” for fitness, to go out and take a brisk 10 minute walk right then, without room for excuses. At this point, I shut down my computer and completely ignored his advice to go to sleep.

I did take that walk later that day though, and it surprisingly did feel good. Steve has continued to send me more mails with fitness quests that I have to undertake, including (and I’m not kidding) selecting which class of member I want to be among Warrior, Scout, Ranger, Assassin, Monk and Druid… (I chose assassin how can you not?) and a point table with points for each healthy thing I do.

A snap from my own inbox

A snap from my own inbox

Now, I think that’s just perfect for us since we’ve been compelled from time immemorial to get high scores. So here I am almost one week from actually beginning this exercise, asking you to give it a chance (yes, the free version, duh). I enjoy this approach to solve the problem of a healthy lifestyle and I’m sharing it hoping it helps you too. After all, who doesn’t like a fit butt ?